Set the price with our consultant. We will tailor the offer to your needs!

Attractive rates
Cash on any purpose
Home renovation, new car, dream vacation... It is up to you how you will spend your money.
High amount and long lending period Loan up to PLN 150,000 for the period of up to 8 years.
One installment instead of many You can use the loan to consolidate your other debts into one loan with lower monthly installment.
Quick decision and convenient process
You get the credit decision even within an hour from the moment you applied with a minimum of formalities (we accept your scanned bank statement as your income document; you can sign the agreement without having to leave your home).
Voluntary loan insurance With the Safe Installments Insurance, you protect yourself against the loan repayment in case of your job loss, illness or accident. The insurance is voluntary.

Step-by-Step Process

You order a phone call with our consultant by filling out the form.

Our consultant calls you back.

You set the loan price together.

You submit a loan application form and we check your credit history in credit information bureau.

Once your loan application is accepted, you sign the loan agreement.