Sixteen CSR initiatives of Citi Handlowy have appeared in this year's (12th) edition of the report of the Responsible Business Forum. "Responsible Business in Poland: Best Practices" is a publication that has been appearing already since 2002. It is the only publication of this type, summarizing the most important projects in the field of corporate social responsibility.
In this year's report, 403 practices are reported. Among the practices mentioned in the report there are no less than 16 Citi Handlowy initiatives, which is six more than last year. The new practices (appearing for the first time in the report) include: the Aleksander Gieysztor Award, the Bank Handlowy Award, the Roots Program, the Volunteer Club, Be Enterprising, Business Startup, Maintenance of the Environmental Management System, Implementation of the Energy Management System, and the program Live Well.
From year to year an increasing number of our practices appear in the RBF report. This is a very important signal for us showing that we are moving in the right direction and that the actions taken by us are well received outside our organization. We have been active in the field of corporate social responsibility for over a decade, which is confirmed by our continuous presence in the RESPECT Index, says Krzysztof Kaczmar, President of The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation, which coordinates the Employee Volunteering Program as well as other initiatives.
The report "Responsible Business in Poland: Best Practices" is a prestigious publication, the only one of its kind in Poland. It is a review of the activities of companies in the CSR field and also summarizes the most important issues relating to responsible business in Poland. 403 good CSR practices, i.e. actions, programs, and projects implemented by companies, are grouped in the report according to the areas listed in the ISO 26000 standard: organizational governance, human rights, labor practices, environment, fair market practices, consumer issues, and community involvement and development.