The ArtSherlock application, created in a partnership cooperation of the Communi Hereditate Foundation and The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation, was awarded the Mobile Trends award - an Oscar for the mobile industry in the innovation category. The application helps recognize works of art lost is consequence of the WWII.
We are happy that the ArtSherlock application has been appreciated for its innovative nature, emphasizes Krzysztof Kaczmar, President of the Management Board of The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation.ArtSherlock is a ground-breaking solution, the first of this kind in the world. It is another step on the road towards modernizing and increasing the effectiveness of finding and identifying works of art lost by Poland during WWII.
ArtSherlock is an application created in a partnership cooperation of the Communi Hereditate Foundation and The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation. It uses a database of missing works of art maintained by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (63,000 pieces). So far, the application has been installed on over 7,000 smartphones in over 30 countries all over the world, and downloaded nearly 15,000 times.
The application can be used by anyone who has a smartphone with the installed application. Its key quality consists in a huge increase in the scale of the search area. Until recently, only an expert was able to identify whether a certain object is one of the missing works of art. At the moment, it can be done by any smartphone owner.
How does the application work?
As the first step, one needs to install the application on their phone. It works on all operating systems, and is available both in Polish and in English. Next, one needs to take a photo of a given object with their phone. Afterwards, the object is checked against the digital database of missing works of art maintained by the Ministry of Culture, and identified as an object lost during the Second World War (or not).
Mobile Trends
Mobile Trends Awards is a competition for the best mobile projects and solutions. The winners in ten categories (i.a. marketing campaign, m-commerce, mobile start-up) were selected by a jury of experts in mobile and IT industries. Internet users were also able to take part in the process - their vote equaled two votes of the jury.