20 CSR initiatives of Citi Handlowy in Poland made it into this year's 15th edition of Responsible Business Forum report. The publication was first issued in 2002 and is the only document of that type that recognizes the most important CSR initiatives.
In this year's anniversary edition of the report, both the number of practices as compared to the previous year - 880 (811 in the report for 2015) and of companies - 180 (137 in the report for 2015) were record-breaking. A fact deserving special attention is that 419 of the reported good practices are long-term initiatives. Among this year's good practices there were as many as 20 initiatives of Citi in Poland: 3 in the labor area, 1 in the environment category, 1 in terms of consumer issues, and as many as 15 in the local community involvement and development category. Among the long-term practices, such initiatives were considered as the Citi Employee Volunteering Program, the research "Poles' Attitudes Towards Saving", or the Professor Aleksander Gieysztor Award. A good practice having its debut in the report is the ArtSherlock application, which revolutionizes identification of works of art stolen during the war.
We are glad that so many practices of ours made it to this year's RBF report. A fact of particular importance is that most of them are long-term initiatives with their own brand recognizable on the market, says Krzysztof Kaczmar, President of the Management Board of The Citi Handlowy Leopold Kronenberg Foundation. Such a great number of good practices in the report emphasizes the strategic attitude of the company towards corporate social responsibility. It is yet another award in this field - some time ago we became the laureate of the "Ethical Company" competition organized by Puls Biznesu.
The report "Responsible Business in Poland. Good Practices" is the only publication of this kind in Poland, summarizing the most important issues connected with corporate social responsibility. All initiatives are grouped according to 7 areas defined in ISO 26000 norm: Organizational Governance, Human Rights, Labor Practices, the Environment, Fair Operating Practices, Consumer Issues, Local Community Involvement and Development. For several years, the majority of those initiatives have been pursued in the "local community involvement and development" area. What is interesting, an ever more heavily represented group of companies submitting their CSR initiatives are SMEs. This year their number in the report was record-breaking: 48 - last year it amounted to 35 (while in the report for the year 2013 - 47).