Implemented ISO standards
Citi Handlowy is one of the leading financial institutions in the country in terms of quality standards implemented in the area of Information Security. Currently we have triple certification: ISO 27001 certification in information security management, ISO 22301 certification in business continuity management and ISO 20000 certification in the field of IT service management. Independent auditors recognized that our processes comply with the highest international standards.
Information is a vital asset for any organization. Therefore, an appropriate information security management system is an essential element of competitive advantage and provides the credibility for the organization. ISO 27001 certification helps in ensuring our customers and stakeholders that the matters of data security meet the highest requirements.
The ISO 22301 confirms that Citi Handlowy effectively identifies the current and future threats through a proactive approach to reducing the impact of incidents, proper functioning of critical processes - even in crisis situations, limiting downtime during unexpected failures and reducing the time required to recover after crisis situation.
ISO 20000 is an international standard that describes an integrated suite of management processes, providing services and guidance on the quality of IT service management. ISO 20000 confirms the quality of processes and IT services offered by the Bank.