Secure login procedure
Before you log in to the service
- Check if your anti-virus software and firewall are active.
- Enter the address of CitiDirect login page (https://portal.citidirect.com/) manually in your web browser address bar, or add it to your “Bookmarks” (“Favourites”). Never search for the login page in the web browser search’s engine, because among search results there might be false login pages created by fraudsters.
- Before you start logging in make sure you are on the correct, secure login page. Your browser must show a locked padlock in the address bar, which means that the connection is encrypted. The site address must start with "https."
- The https://portal.citidirect.com site is secured with a security certificate issued by Symantec.
- Before you log in to the service check if the certificate is valid and verify its issuer.
Logging in to the service
- If you login using SafeWord card, remember that during the login process you only need to enter your Username (Login ID) and One-Time Password from your SafeWord card – if your are prompted to enter any other data do not provide them – stop the login process and report the incident to CitiService by calling: (22) 690 19 81.
- Please do whatever you can to prevent anyone from intercepting your login details (Username and PIN code for your SafeWord card, access to CitiDirect application).
- Do not use your online banking service via any public Wi-Fi spot (e.g. at an internet café or a library).
- Control who can access the computer you use to log into CitiDirect.
- Do not leave the CitiDirect service open when you leave your computer unattended, even for a moment.
- Log out after you have finished your work. Never close the browser window without confirmation that you have been correctly logged out.
Please report any suspicious situations identified when logging in to CitiService by calling: (22) 690 19 81 or by sending a message to:citiservice.polska@citi.com.