Receivables management
Receivables management
ARMS is an enhancement to the SpeedCollect service. It provides an additional unique functionality which enables an automatic identification of mass and partial payments and their automatic allocation not only to the contractor but also to the specific liability.
How it works
- The system automatically analyzes additional data, provided systematically by the Client and stored in the so called contractor & liability database.
- The Client defines priorities of allocation of payments to documents.
- Errors made by the payer when filling in the payment order and generated when accounting a mass payment are corrected.
Are you interested in our offer?
Please contact CitiService Advisors.
CitiService Advisors are available Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.
+48 (22) 690 19 81
The cost of the call depends on your local service provider.
ARMS - advantages:
- The system adds missing details required to reconcile payments, e.g. the Client number or invoice number.
- Inflows connected with erroneous payments (mass payments, cumulative payments) are reconciled automatically and, as a result, the user derives additional operational savings
- Errors which may occur in the course of payment processing are eliminated before such payments are passed to Citi Handlowy.