Share price
Shares of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. are listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange Main Market in the continuous trading system since 30 June 1997. The Bank's shares are part of the following WSE indices: WIG, mWIG 40 - comprises 40 medium size companies listed at WSE Main List, WIG Banks - the sector index and WIGdiv. Furthermore, the Bank has been quoted in the Respect Index since its first edition (i.e. 19 November 2009), a WSE index of most socially responsible companies listed on the WSE's Main Market. Since September 2014, the Bank has been also included in the prestigious MSCI Global Sustainability Index covering companies with high corporate governance, environmental and corporate social responsibility standards.
Please go to the Company / Shareholding section for other information about the Bank's shares.
Shares of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
Ticker: BHW
ISIN: PLBH00000012
Reuters: BAHA.WA
Bloomberg: BHW PW
Stock Quotes of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
Archive data of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. Stock Quotes
Chart data: Close price