Whether travelling abroad on business or for holiday, we are here to help you enjoy every minute of your travel. We offer you fee-free ATM cash withdrawals, fee-free foreign currency account maintenance or access to a number of discounts at many hotels and restaurants.
With your CitiKonto, Citi Priority, Citigold or Citigold Private Client, you can open foreign accounts in EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, CZK, DKK, HRK, HUF, NOK, RUB, SEK, ZAR. All at the distance of one click in Citibank Online Electronic Banking Service.
With Citi Priority Account you can enjoy free of charge ATM cash withdrawals worldwide. It is an easy and convenient solution as you don’t have to look for Citi ATM or worry about additional fees.
When staying overseas you can pay for your shopping and withdraw cash with no currency conversion costs – you just need to link your debit card to your foreign currency account in EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, AUD, CAD, CZK, DKK, HRK, HUF, NOK, RUB, SEK or ZAR.
Our “World without Borders” Insurance will protect you while travelling both in Europe and all over the world. You can order it online following a few simple steps.
If you lose your cash or your debit cards while you are on the go, you can withdraw cash from your account at any Citi branch worldwide.
You get access to the Benefit Program in some of the most exclusive restaurants, stores and SPA’s all over the world.