Promoting Poland among foreign investors is also patriotism - commentary by Jacek Czerniak, Global Subsidiaries Group Department Head at Citi Handlowy
There is no doubt that a lot of Polish companies have a huge potential for growth and expansion into international markets. The products and brands they offer are world-class and quite often they even set new trends. The crisis has created quite attractive conditions for acquisitions for our entrepreneurs. And it's worth taking advantage of this potential because today valuations of companies are much more favorable that they were before 2008. Global infrastructure can certainly help Polish companies in their dynamic acquisition activities. Many such attempts to create a global support network are already being implemented in Poland. It's very important, because we all know that without proper government support certain investments and contracts, particularly in the area of emerging markets, are prone to failure. Therefore, we, as a representative of a global company such as Citi, which is present in over 100 countries around the world, are also trying to be a supporting partner for Polish businesses. We're doing this in three ways. Firstly, by doing business in 104 countries we are able to provide our customers with all the information they need about investment conditions in a given country. Secondly, we are able to give a bank's recommendation when it comes to partners with which the company would like to establish relations. And thirdly, we have a financial management system built just for global companies.
Global expansion in the context of economic patriotism does not only mean promoting Polish companies abroad, but also promoting Poland among foreign investors. Because it is through this type of investment that we have a chance not only to boost our labor market and to build the competitiveness of our economy, but also, through the exchange of experience, to strengthen the competitiveness of the Polish business.