Consolidation of Balances
Automated reclassifications within a group of accounts
Consolidation of Balances (under Target Balancing Agreement - TBA)
Automated reclassifications within a group of accounts
Balance Consolidation enables automatic transfers of balances from subaccounts to a main account (consolidation account) or the repayment of debt in subaccounts with funds from the consolidation account.
Accounting entries can be made as ongoing and/or end-of-day operations, depending on liquidity needs in particular accounts covered by the scheme. The funds accumulated in the consolidation account as at the end of a day may be invested, e.g. as overnights, to maximize interest income within the structure.
Product highlights
- intra-day or end of day consolidation
- optionally – additional re-distribution of interest between accounts in the structure
- simple documentation – the whole structure is described in a single agreement
Are you interested in our offer?
If you want to use Liquidity Management solutions please contact your Relationship Manager.