CitiService News
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Business Email Compromise - watch out for fake invoices
- CitiDirect® Digital Onboarding
- Sub-statuses in CitiDirect: greater insight into what is happening with payments
- New CitiDirect login and home page
- New CitiDirect file import capabilities
- Bank Holiday: March and April 2025
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- CitiDirect® Digital Onboarding
- Cross border transfers: SHA as the default charging option
- Register online and take the opportunity of training on the CitiManager platform!
- Closure of accounts opened as part of the Business Debit Card application process
- Importance of actual settings in CitiDirect in the event of ownership changes
- Bank Holiday: February and March 2025
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- Get familiar with new menu options in CitiDirect®
- CitiDirect® Digital Onboarding
- Digital Security Best Practices for Online Banking
- Migration to the ISO 20022 standard
- Bank Holiday: January and February 2025
Newsletter no. 13
In this issue:
- Information on Citi Handlowy’s working hours during the Christmas and end-of-year season
- Be vigilant and protect your business from fraud during holiday season!
- Bank Holiday: January 2025
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- CitiDirect® Digital Onboarding
- Audits – responding to the Auditor’s request
- Register online and take the opportunity of training on the CitiManager platform!
- Simplification of the structure or conversion of accounts used for servicing Business Debit Cards
- Accepting orders by KIR on December 24 and 31, 2024
- CitiDirect MobileToken: discover the new fast login method
- Year end balances
- Bank Holiday: December 2024 and January 2025
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- CitiDirect® Digital Onboarding
- Portal supporting business cards users and program administrators
- Register online and take the opportunity of training on the CitiManager platform!
- Update your authorization for contact with the bank
- Check processing withdrawn from the offer
- The National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan migrates to ISO20022 standard - impact on KZT payments
- Impact of Citi’s organizational changes in Mexico on MXN payments
- Why Dual Approval matters
- Statements and reports – significant changes to data presentation will be implemented in November
- November and December 2024
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- Statements and reports – significant changes to data presentation will be implemented in November
- CitiDirect® Digital Onboarding
- New CitiDirect® experience
- Use the newest „Make a payment” function (old menu options will be removed)
- Audits – responding to the Auditor’s request
- 3 layers of anti-fraud protection - protect, detect, respond
- Migration to the ISO 20022 standard
- Register online and take the opportunity of training on the CitiManager platform!
- Changes in the KYC process
- Check processing withdrawn from the offer
- Bank Holiday: October and November 2024
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- Register online and take the opportunity of training on the CitiManager platform!
- CitiManager – bulk application for cards and their maintenance
- CitiDirect® Digital Onboarding
- Security: create secure passwords
- EMAIL SCAMS – don’t forget
- Bank Holiday: September and October 2024
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- Business Card documentation update
- Register online and take the opportunity of training on the CitiManager platform!
- New CitiDirect experience - coming soon
- Get familiar with new menu options in CitiDirect®
- CitiDirect® Digital Onboarding
- Bank Holiday: August and September 2024
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- Activities to simplify the account structure used too serve Visa Business Debit Cards
- Register online and take the opportunity of training on the CitiManager platform!
- New CitiDirect experience - coming soon
- Cybersecurity and rules for safe use of CitiDirect
- Initiating payments in CitiDirect – old payment initiation functions would not be available soon
- CitiDirect® Digital Onboarding
- Bank Holiday: July and August 2024
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- Support of the new Card Program Administrator
- Register online and take the opportunity of training on the CitiManager platform!
- Updated list of entities affiliated with Citi Handlowy and Citigroup Inc.
- Cybersecurity and rules for safe use of CitiDirect
- Business Email Compromise: watch out for fake invoices
- Statements and reports – important changes in the way the data is presented
- Bank Holiday: June and July 2024
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- Importance of actual settings in CtiDirect
- CitiDirect MobileToken: discover the new fast login method
- Portal supporting business cards users
- Statements and reports – important changes in data presentation
- Change of the bank’s correspondence address from April 22, 2024.
- Bank guarantee calculator to compute the commission amount
- Bank holidays: May and June 2024
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- Register online and take the opportunity of training on the CitiManager platform!
- Self-service: CitiDirect user entitlement report – user rights verification by the Security Manager
- Payments and reports in the new version of the CitiDirect platform
- Changes in the process of repaying bank account seizures
- Statements and reports – important changes in the way the data is presented
- Bank holidays: April and May 2024
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Activities to simplify the account structure used to serve Visa Business Debit Cards
- Online CitiManager workshops in 2024 r.
- Proof of Payment – beneficiary account number will be available
- The new SEPA standards require no changes on the client’s side
- Convenient and safe account access management by the Security Manager in CitiDirect
- Statements and reports – important changes in the way the data is presented
- Important – submit your company declaration (FINREP)
- Bank holidays: March and April 2024
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- Beware of phishing
- Important – submit your company declaration (FINREP)
- CitiDirect MobileToken: Discover the new fast login method
- Cross border transfers: SHA as the default charging option
- Bank holidays: February and March 2024
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- New standards for the processes used to apply for and manage Visa Business Debit and Credit Cards
- Activities to simplify the account structure used to serve Visa Business Debit Cards
- CitiManager – bulk application for cards and maintenance of their
- Easier access to informationmeans a better decision-makingprocess - try new reports in CitiDirect!
- Audits – responding to the Auditor’s request
- Bank holidays: January 2024
Newsletter no. 13
In this issue:
- Information on Citi Handlowy’s working hours during the Christmas and end-of-year season
- Bank holidays: January 2024
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- New standards for the processes used to apply for and manage Visa Business Debit and Credit Cards
- Activities to simplify the account structure used to serve Visa Business Debit Cards
- Change of the company representing Citi in the shareholding of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
- Be vigilant and protect your business from fraud during holiday season!
- Easier access to information means a better decision-making process - try new reports in CitiDirect!
- Hours of accepting orders by KIR on December 29, 2023
- Bank holidays: December 2023 and January 2024
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- Citi Secure Email
- Payments in the new version of the CitiDirect platform - check how you can make transfers more easily!
- CitiDirect: enhanced security in the application process
- Do you shop online? Beware of cyber fraudsters!
- Changes in the documentation of Debit and Credit Business Cards
- Activities to simplify the account structure used to serve Visa Business Debit Cards
- New standards for the processes used to apply for and manage Visa Business Debit and Credit Cards
- CitiManager changes for Administrators of Visa Business Debit and Credit Cards Programs
- Bank holidays: November and December 2023 r.
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- Changes in the documentation of Debit and Credit Business Cards
- New standards for the processes used to apply for and manage Visa Business Debit and Credit Cards
- Activities to simplify the account structure used to serve Visa Business Debit Cards
- Capabilities of the CitiManager platform for handling Business Cards – join our workshops!
- CitiManager changes for Administrators of Visa Business Debit and Credit Cards Programs
- CitiDirect: enhanced security for new user application
- Audits – responding to the Auditor’s request
- Bank holidays: October and November 2023
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- Users’ first impressions after migration to the new CitiDirect
- Available through the mObywatel application, the “mObywatel” (mDowód) document is a novel form of identity documentation
- FRAUD: Understanding Fraud Scams
- FRAUD: Business Email Compromise. Watch out for fake invoices!
- We stopped processing settlements in RUB
- Bank holidays: September and October 2023
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- Cut-off times for accepting orders for outgoing foreign transfers
- Security: create secure passwords
- We stop processing settlements in RUB
- Bank holidays: August and September 2023
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- CitiDirect® MobileToken: Discover the new fast login method
- New CitiDirect® - check what is worth knowing about the new version of our electronic banking
- Cut-off times for accepting orders for outgoing foreign transfers
- Updates in the Fees and Commissions Table for Corporate Clients of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
- List of banks holding nostro accounts for Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
- Bank holidays: July and August 2023
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- Instant payments: extended transaction processing hours of Express Elixir
- Debit cards - process digitization and simplification of the account structure
- List of banks holding nostro accounts for Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
- Updates in the Fees and Commissions Table for Corporate Clients of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
- Bank holidays: June and July 2023
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- Application for a business card only via CitiManager!
- Electronic Banking: The new generation of CitiDirect: gradual transition to a higher version of the system
- Integration of CitiConnect API with Soneta’s ERP enova365 class system
- Security: create secure passwords
- Bank holidays: May and June 2023
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- Activate the administrator functionand manage your cards online via CitiManager!
- FRAUD: Business Email Compromise. Watch out for fake invoices!
- Effective 1 May 2023 – Purpose of Payment Code Requirement for Payments to Malaysia
- CitiDirect MobileToken: Discover the new fast login method
- Bank holidays: April and May 2023
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Business cards: full self-service online – let’s be in touch!
- FRAUD: Business Email Compromise
- No ability to execute payments to Russia via Commerzbank Germany
- CitiDirect® session extension: improving user convenience
- Update identity documents: important due to the requirements of the AML Act
- Bank holidays: March and April 2023
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- FRAUD: Understanding Fraud Scams
- Security: create secure passwords
- Managing your business cards is now easier than ever: CitiManager capabilities and change of hotline opening hours for Card Holders
- Update identity documents: - important due to the requirements of the AML Act
- Business Cards: changes in the compliant procedure
- Migration of SWIFT messages to ISO 20022 standard: reminder
- Instant payments: extended transaction processing hours of Express Elixir
- CitiDirect MobileToken: Enhanced Login Experience
- Bank holidays: February and March 2023
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- No. 1 in the Euromoney Cash Management 2022 ranking - the Market Leader title for Citi Handlowy 9th time in a row! - Thank you for your votes!
- FRAUD: best practices how to avoid fraud and what to do in the event of fraud
- Managing your business cards is now easier than ever: CitiManager capabilities and change of hotline opening hours for Card Holders
- CitiDirect MobileToken: Enhanced Login Experience
- Temporary change of the bank’s correspondence address: from November 28, 2022
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Bank holidays: January 2023
Newsletter no. 13
In this issue:
- Cut of time for receiving payments in Citi Handlowy on 23 and 30 December 2022
- Temporary change of the bank’s correspondence address: from November 28, 2022
- Be vigilant and protect your business from fraud during holiday season!
- Introduction of the euro in Croatia as of January 1, 2023: cut-off times of last transactions in HRK in December, 2022
- Bank holidays: January 2023
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- No. 1 in the Euromoney Cash Management 2022 ranking - the Market Leader title for Citi Handlowy
- CitiDirect Mobile Token: Enhanced Login Experience
- Temporary change of the bank’s correspondence address: from November 28, 2022
- Migration of SWIFT messages to ISO 20022 standard: moved to March 2023
- Introduction of the euro in Croatia as of January 1, 2023: cut-off times of last transactions in HRK in December, 2022
- Hours of accepting orders by KIR on December 30, 2022
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Bank holidays: December 2022 and January 2023
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- Electronic Banking: The new generation of CitiDirect: gradual transition to a higher version of the system
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Changes to the Business Cards documentation: a reminder
- Introduction of the euro in Croatia: as of January 1, 2023!
- Bank holidays: November and December 2022
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- Introduction of the euro in Croatia: as of January 1, 2023!
- Electronic Banking: chat with helpdesk represenatative today!
- Migration of SWIFT messages to ISO 20022 standard
- Changes to the Business Cards documentation: a reminder
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Bank holidays: October and November 2022
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- Electronic Banking: chat with HelpDesk CitiDirect® Technical Support today!
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Execution of foreign payments: AUD, JPY, KZT and CNY
- Bank holidays: September and October 2022
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- Security: 8 Tips on How to Stay Safe When Shopping Online
- Business Cards: the documentation change
- Migration of SWIFT messages to ISO 20022 standard
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Electronic Banking: User Zone
- Bank holidays: August and September 2022
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- Security: Ransomware
- Business Cards: the documentation change
- Internal transfers: processing changes
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Electronic Banking: User Zone;
- Bank holidays: July and August 2022
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- Security: Business Email Compromise (BEC)
- CitiDirect: easier contact with HelpDesk
- Cross-border payments: the default cost option
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Self-service: how to add and modify user entitlements in CitiDirect
- Bank holidays: June and July 2022
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- Euromoney Cash Management 2022 is one of the world’s leading surveys of our industry
- Cross-border payments:the default cost option
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Multi-currency account: one account – over 140 currencies
- Citi® Payment Insights: start taking control of your payments today
- Security: Telephone spoofing
- Self-service: how to add and modify user entitlements in CitiDirect
- CitiDirect Mobile: Easier login to desktop version of CitiDirect
- Bank holidays: May and June 2022
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- We are cancelling the fees for individual and corporate transfers to Ukraine
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Security: Phishing
- Self-service: do not wait and designate CitiDirect Security Manager!
- Bank holidays: April and May 2022
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- We are cancelling the fees for individual and corporate transfers to Ukraine
- Security: don’t rely on unverified sources when investing your funds
- Citi Trade Portal: attachments
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- SEPA Payments vs. EUR Foreign Payments sent to recipients in the European Union
- Multi-currency account: one account – over 140 currencies
- Citi® Payment Insights: start taking control of your payments today
- CitiDirect: Account Certification Tool
- Self-service: manage CitiDirect authentication tools yourself
- Bank holidays: March and April 2022
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- Certificates for authors: quickly and precisely
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Citi Trade Portal: notifications
- Citi® Payment Outlier Detection: we introduce Intelligent Payment Review for corporate clients
- Security: watch out for phone hacking atttacks
- Self-service: CitiDirect user entitlement report - user rights verification
- Bank holidays: February and March 2022
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- LIBOR reference rate and benchmarks reform – important information
- CitiService IVR cards:delivery change
- Bank holidays: December 2021 and January 2022
- SLIM VAT2: changes in the disposal of VAT funds – KRUS payments
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Self-service: CitiDirect user entitlement report – user rights verification by the Security Manager
- CitiDirect Mobile: Easier login to desktop version of CitiDirect
- Bank holidays: January 2022
Newsletter no. 13
In this issue:
- Cut of time for receiving payments in Citi Handlowy on 24 and 31 December 2021
- LIBOR reference rate and benchmarks reform – important information
- Bank holidays: December 2021 and January 2022
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- No. 1 in the Euromoney Cash Management 2021 ranking
- Important information about end-of-year balances
- Updated list of entities affiliated with Citi Handlowy and Citigroup Inc.
- Cut off Times for receiving payments by National Clearing House on 24 and 31 December 2021
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- We issue audits through Confirmation.com: fast and safe
- Multi-currency account: one account – over 140 currencies
- Citi® Payment Insights: start taking control of your payments today
- SEPA Payments vs. EUR Foreign Payments Sent To Recipients in the European Union
- Self service: do not wait and designate CitiDirect Security Manager!
- Bank holidays: December 2021 and January 2022
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- Citi Payment Outlier Detection: we introduce Intelligent Payment Review for corporate clients
- Citi Payment Insights: start taking control of your payments today
- Multi-currency account: one account – over 140 currencies
- SLIM VAT2: changes to VAT funds disposal – VAT own transfer
- Valid identity documents: important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- CitiDirect Mobile: Easier login to desktop version of CitiDirect
- We issue audits through Confirmation.com:fast and safe
- Self-service: how to add and modify user entitlements in CitiDirect
- Bank holidays in November and December 2021
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- Easier login to desktop version of CitiDirect thanks to CitiDirect Mobile
- New CitiDirect login page
- Reference rate and IBOR benchmarks reform – FAQ
- Valid identity documents – important due to the amendment of the AML Act
- Self Service – do not wait and designate CitiDirect Security Manager!
- Bank holidays in October and November 2021
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- Citi® Payment Insights
- Multi-currency account: one account – over 140 currencies
- Funds transfers or foreign currency funds transfers to a beneficiary
- Making the CitiManager system available to all Administrators of Visa Business Debit Card Programs and changes in the documentation
- New CitiDirect login page available in September 2021
- CitiDirect Services (previous ver. of CitiDirect) will be removed soon
- CitiDirect – online training
- Self Service – choose self-service and manage CitiDirect authentication tools yourself, without the need to contact the bank
- Bank holidays in September and October 2021
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- New Rules and Regulation of Using Prepaid Payment Cards
- Easier login to desktop version of CitiDirect thanks to CitiDirect Mobile
- Citi® Payment Insights
- CitiDirect – online training
- Self Service – CitiDirect self – administration – quickly, safety and... environment-friendly
- Bank holidays in August and September 2021
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- LIBOR reference rate and benchmarks reform – important information
- Easier login to desktop version of CitiDirect thanks to CitiDirect Mobile
- Important information concerning authentication of online transactions executed using Corporate Credit and Debit Cards – we have introduced an additional security feature
- Changes in the documents regarding Citi Handlowy Corporate Cards
- Automation for incoming payments – reminder
- Regulatory requirements for the execution of SEPA payments and foreign payments to countries outside the European Economic Area
- Multi-currency account: one account – over 140 currencies
- Citi® Payment Insights
- SEPA Payments vs. EUR Foreign Payments Sent To Recipients in the European Union
- Choose Self-service: how to create a new user profile, CitiDirect – online training
- Bank holidays in July and August 2021
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- Euromoney Cash Management Survey 2021 – Vote Today
- Corporate Credit Cards - change in the opening hours of the hotline for Card Holders
- Prepaid Cards - change in the opening hours of the hotline for Card Holders
- CitiDirect BE® User Profile Updates
- Multi-currency account: one account – over 140 currencies
- Regulatory requirements for the execution of SEPA payments and foreign payments to countries outside the European Economic Area
- SEPA Payments vs. EUR Foreign Payments Sent To Recipients in the European Union
- Citi® Payment Insights
- Automation for incoming payments – reminder
- Choose Self-service: Choose self-service and manage CitiDirect authentication tools yourself, without the need to contact the Bank.
- Bank holidays in June and July 2021
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- Reminder on the rules of executing/cancelling payment orders initiated via SWIFT messages
- Important information for Card Program Administrators – requires action if your company uses Debit Cards for online payments!
- Important information concerning authentication of online transactions executed using Corporate Credit Cards
- Cards repaid individually are more flexible – faster update of available limit
- Choose Self-service: CitiDirect self – administration – quickly, safety and... environmentfriendly
- Download of bank statements in CitiDirect
- Multi-currency account: one account – over 140 currencies
- Citi® Payment Insights
- Bank holidays in May and June 2021
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- LIBOR reference rate and benchmarks reform – important information
- New Interest Rates Table
- Multi-currency account: one account – over 140 currencies
- Automation for incoming payments – reminder
- SEPA Payments vs. EUR Foreign Payments Sent To Recipients in the European Union
- Regulatory requirements for the execution of SEPA payments and foreign payments to countries outside the European Economic Area
- Citi® Payment Insights
- Self-service: CitiDirect self – administration – quickly, safety and... environmentfriendly
- Bank holidays in April and May 2021
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Execution of outgoing foreign transfers showing an incorrect or no SWIFT code
- Multi-currency account: one account – over 140 currencies
- Automation for incoming payments – reminder
- Self-service: Choose self-service and download proof of payment yourself, without the need to contact the Bank representative
- Bank holidays in March and April 2021
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- Euromoney Cash Management 2020 – again the Market Leader title for Citi Handlowy
- Citi® Payment Insights has an option to generate proof of payments
- SEPA Payments vs. EUR Foreign Payments Sent To Recipients in the European Union
- CitiDirect self – administration – quickly, safely and... environment-friendly
- Self-service: Choose self-service and find useful CitiDirect features – reset of the PIN code
- List of COT for incoming and outgoing foreign payments
- New Interest Rates Table
- Bank holidays in February and March 2021
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- New description and code of fees
- Processing of payments after the exit of Great Britain from the European Union
- Online banking safety
- SELF Service: Get to know the useful CitiDirect functionalities
- Bank holidays in January and February 2021
Newsletter no. 13
In this issue:
- Cut of time for receiving payments in Citi Handlowy on 24 and 31 December 2020
- Reminder of information about the change in authentication method of online transactions – pay attention if your company makes online payments with Debit Cards!
- Corporate Credit Cards:
Have you tried biometrics and CitiManager app yet? - Bank holidays in December 2020
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- Check if you’re safe!
- Citi® Payment Insights – start taking control of your payments today!
- Continuity of business – secure connectivity with Bank – solutions for Clients working in contingency situation
- SEPA Payments vs. EUR Foreign Payments Sent To Recipients in the European Union
- Internal currency payments
- New Interest Rate Table
- Annual balance confirmations
- Acceptance hours at KIR on 24 and 31 December 2020
- Choose self-service: Choose self-service and download proof of payment yourself, without the need to contact the Bank representative
- Bank holidays in December 2020
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- A change in the ways of authentication of online transactions – pay attention if your company makes online payments with Debit Cards!
- Credit Corporate Cards: Have you already tried biometrics and CitiManager application?
- We remind, that CitiDirect Mobile application with biometric authentication feature is available!
- We remind about the possibility to manage CitiDirect authentication tools yourself, without the need to contact the Bank
- Update of “Authorisations to contact the Bank”
- Choose self-service: Choose self-service and download proof of payment yourself, without the need to contact the Bank representative
- Bank holidays in November and December 2020
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- This is what fraud looks like
- Credit Corporate Cards: Have you already tried biometrics and CitiManager application?
- Debit Corporate Cards: CitiManager and Biometric Authentication – have you already submitted the email address?
- Electronic documentation workflow based on a qualified electronic signature
- Choose self-service: Secure email communication
- We issue audits through Confirmation.com – fast and safe
- Bank holidays in October and November 2020
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- Action required – “payment purpose” information required for transactions above 10 million Turkish lira (TRY)
- Choose self-service: CitiDirect self – administration – quickly, safety and... environment-friendly – We remind you!
- Check if you’re safe!
- Bank holidays in September and October 2020
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- We issue audits through Confirmation.com - fast and safe
- Electronic documentation workflow based on a qualified electronic signature
- Commercial Cards: CitiManager and Biometric Authentication
- Changes in the execution of outgoing foreign transfers with an incorrect SWIFT code
- Updates in the Table of Fees and Commissions
- CitiDirect Mobile application with biometric authentication feature is available!
- New, simpler login flow for CitiDirect
- Choose self-service and and log in using the MobilePASS mobile token
- Bank holidays in August and September 2020
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- Try biometrics and CitiManager application!
- Information about benchmarks
- We remind, that CitiDirect Mobile application with biometric authentication feature is available!
- Check if you’re safe!
- Choose self-service and manage CitiDirect authentication tools yourself, without the need to contact the Bank
- Bank holidays in July and August 2020
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- Continuity of business – secure connectivity with Bank – solutions for Clients working in contingency situation
- Electronic documentation workflow based on a qualified electronic signature
- The next phase of digitization, automation for incoming payments
- Choose self-service: CitiDirect self – administration – quickly, safety and... environment-friendly
- Bank holidays in June and July 2020
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- PFR Financial Shield – important information
- Continuity of business – secure connectivity withBank – solutions for Clients working in contingency situation
- Electronic documentation workflow based on a qualified electronic signaturen
- SEPA Payments vs. EUR Foreign Payments Sent To Recipients in the European Union
- Servicing a claim from a bank guarantee granted by another bank
- NOTE: we suspend temporary personal pick-up of guarantees
- Register in the Central Register of Beneficial Owners (CRBO)
- Bank holidays in May and June 2020
April 6, 2020
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- Continuity of business – secure connectivity with Bank – solutions for Clients working in contingency situation
- Important information on cybersecurity
- SEPA Payments vs. EUR Foreign Payments Sent To Recipients in the European Union
- New Interest Rates Table
- Citi Handlowy Corporate Cards – useful information related to work in the emergency mode
- NOTE: we suspend temporary personal pick-up of guarantees
- Bank holidays in April and May 2020
March 2, 2020
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- CitiDirect - User Access Management
- Annual confirmation of balances
- BREXIT – important information
- CitiDirect Mobile application with biometric authentication feature is available!
- Important security information
- Bank holidays in March and April 2020
February 3, 2020
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- The next phase of digitization, automation for incoming payments
- CitiDirect Mobile application with biometric authentication feature is available!
- Important security information
- Bank holidays in February and March 2020
January 2, 2020
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- New Tax microaccount from 1 of January
- Register in the Central Register of Beneficial Owners (CRBO)
- “Stained Glass” Project
- The next phase of digitization, automation for incoming payments
- Certificates for the Auditor
- Implementation of electronic signature in the process of Opinion and Bank Certificates
- Bank holidays in January and February 2020
Newsletter no. 13
In this issue:
- Cut of time for receiving payments in Citi Handlowy on 24 and 31 December 2019
- Bank holidays in December 2019
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- New Tax microaccount from 1 of January
- The next phase of digitization, automation for incoming payment
- Harmonization of fees
- Zeroing balances for state-budget units
- Bank holidays in December 2019
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- Implementation of electronic signature in the process of Opinion and Bank Certificates
- Update of “Authorisations to contact the Bank”
- eForms – electronic documents exchange platform
- Annual balance confirmations
- Changes in Split Payment Mechanism
- Updates in the Table of Fees and Commissions
- Bank holidays in November and December 2019
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- “Stained Glass” Project
- Euromoney Cash Management Survey 2019 – we are No. 1 in the ranking!
- PSD2 Directive – find out what will change in CitiDirect
- New security procedures for email correspondence
- Full digitization of bank statements by the end of 2019
- Changes in the charging process in case of insufficient funds
- Annual balance confirmations
- Bank holidays in October and November 2019
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- Changes to the Terms & Conditions and the Tariff of Bank Fees and Commissions
- Changes involving Corporate Cards
- Planned changes in the connection with the CitiService Representative
- Modification of the charging process in the absence of funds
- Bank holidays in September and October 2019
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- Modification of the charging process in the absence of funds
- Changes in the Split Payment Mechanism (MPP)
- Bank holidays in August and September 2019 r.
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- Pre-paid Payment Cards - changes in the card issuance and handing process
- Bank documentation update
- Electronization of the process of issuing bank guarantees
- Bank holidays in July and August 2019
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- Euromoney Cash Management Survey 2019
- Important security information!
- Important information for card programme administrators
- eForms - electronic documents exchange platform
- Bank holidays in May and June 2019
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- eForms - electronic documents exchange platform
- Settlements in the currency of a counterparty - why is it a good idea?
- Updates in the Table of Fees and Commissions
- Bank documentation update
- Bank holidays in April and May 2019
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Electronization of the process of issuing bank guarantees
- Change of the address of the Regional Processing Centre in Olsztyn
- Annual confirmation of balances
- Bank holidays in March and April 2019
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- Currency settlements in a multi-currency accou
- Electronization of the process of issuing bank guarantees
- Applications for issuance of a Visa Business Card and Visa Business Debit Card now available at the eForms platform
- Prepaid Cards – we are expanding our services for you
- Annual confirmation of balances
- Bank holidays in February and March 2019
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- It has never been so easy to request and use your Visa Business Card
- Feature: It is even easier to apply for Visa Business Debit Card
- Visit our new CitiDirect information portal to experience the full potential of our system!
- Bank holidays in January and February 2019
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- CitiDirect - change of the default cost option
- Zeroing balances for state-budget units
- eForms - electronic documents exchange platform
- Financial Markets - eForms
- Changes in regulations and handling processes for card products
- Acceptance hours at KIR on 24 and 31 December 2018
- Bank holidays in December 2018
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- Euromoney 2018 magazine survey - results
- Annual balance confirmations
- eForms - Electronic Document Exchange Platform
- Bank holidays in November and December 2018
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- eForms - Electronic Document Exchange Platform
- Annual balance confirmations
- Prepaid Cards - changed file format for card applications in connection with amended policy against money laundering and financing of terrorism
- Business Cards - invalid applications will no longer be accepted
- Bank holidays in September and November 2018
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- Electronic bank statement - for the sake of the environment and a company's convenience
- Transfers to Russia in Russian rubles (RUB) - changes
- Legal changes in the implementation of enforcement notes
- Currency settlements in a multi-currency account
- The AML Act - changes with regard to identification and verification of identity
- Bank holidays in August and September 2018
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- Electronic bank statements
- Transfers to Russia in Russian rubles (RUB) – changes
- Currency settlements in a multi-currency account
- The AML Act – changes with regard to identification and verification of identity
- Legal changes in the implementation of enforcement notes
- Bank holidays in August and September 2018
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- Important information for corporate card users Visa business (Visa Business Debit Cards, Visa Business Charge Cards, Guaranteed Visa Business Cards, prepaid payment cards)
- Charges for servicing Guarantee Cards to be brought back
- Repayment of Visa Business cards with chips
- Visa Business Card - a higher level of security
- Bank holidays in July and August 2018
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- Visa Business Card – a higher level of security
- Split Payment – VAT account reports – 15 June 2018
- New number for contacting the Corporate Card Service Division
- The GDPR and Business Cards
- Charges for servicing Guarantee Cards to be brought back
- Redesign of the profile of the CitiManager platform Administrator
- Combining Visa Business Guaranteed Card and Visa Business Charge Card documentation
- As of 28 July 2018, CitiDirect will require the LTS 1.2 protocol
- Bank holidays in June and July 2018
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- We are introducing a higher security standard
- CitiDirect Portal - new functionalities
- Bank documentation update
- As of 28 July 2018, CitiDirect will require the LTS 1.2 protocol
- Settlements in exotic currencies
- Euromoney Cash Management Survey
- The STIR Act - objective and scope
- Bank holidays in May and June 2018
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- From May 12, 2018 onwards CitiDirect will require TLS 1.2 protocol
- Split Payment Mechanism - new VAT accounts
- Order submission (cut-off) times - outgoing transfers
- Repayment of Visa Business cards with chips
- Bank holidays in April and May 2018
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Annual confirmation of balances
- Updates in the Table of Fees and Commissions
- New forms: application to open sub-account and Specimen Signature Card
- Change in electronic banking
- The Regional Processing Centre in Olsztyn has a new address
- IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR USERS OF VISA BUSINESS CORPORATE CARDS (Visa Business Debit Cards, Visa Business Charge Cards, Guaranteed Visa Business Cards)
- Bank holidays in March and April 2018
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- Your Card on the Move
- The Regional Processing Centre in Olsztyn has a new address
- Split Payment Mechanism
- Annual confirmation of balances
- Export L/C - co-operation agreement with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego
- Important information for users of Visa Business corporate cards
- Technical innovation facility
- Bank holidays in February and March 2018
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- Certificates for the Auditor
- Split Payment Mechanism
- Bank holidays in January and February 2018
Newsletter (Special edition)
In this edition:
- Acceptance hours at KIR on 29 December 2017
- Cash services – convoy lists
- Convenient and efficient management of Client Profile Settings – CitiDirect Client Security Manager
- Changes of the rules of payment of contributions for Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)
Newsletter no. 12
In this edition:
- Acceptance hours at KIR on 29 December 2017
- Cash services – convoy lists
- Convenient and efficient management of Client Profile Settings – CitiDirect Client Security Manager
- Changes of the rules of payment of contributions for Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)
- Euromoney 2017 magazine survey – results
- Annual balance confirmations
- Certificates for the Auditor
- Clearing balances for Budgetary Units
- Bank holidays in December 2017
Newsletter no. 11
In this edition:
- eForms – Electronic Document Exchange Platform
- Annual balance confirmations
- Certificates for the Auditor
- Changes of the rules of payment of contributions for Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)
- Clearing balances for Budgetary Units
- Cut off Times for import (outgoing) transfers in foreing currency
- Cut off Times for export (incoming) transfers in foreing currency
- Bank holidays in November and December 2017
Newsletter no. 10
In this edition:
- Bank documentation – data update
- eGuarantee – new way of delivering bank guarantee to beneficiary
- Bank holidays in October and November 2017
Newsletter no. 9
In this edition:
- We are answering your questions – fast and with precision!
- eGuarantee – new way of delivering bank guarantee to beneficiary
- Citi Trade Portal
- HUB FX – new currency available to Citi Handlowy customers
- Bank holidays in September and October 2017
Newsletter no. 8
In this edition:
- CitiDirect user reviews and the terms of using the SafeWord card
- We are answering your questions – fast and with precision!
- CitiManager – business cards under your control
- Important information for customers using guaranteed Visa Business cardsl
- Important information for customers using Visa Business Charge Cards
- eGuarantee – new way of delivering bank guarantee to beneficiary
- Bank holidays in August and September 2017
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- Important information for Customers using Visa Business charge cards
- Citi Trade Portal
- Bank holidays in July and August 2017
Newsletter (Special edition)
In this issue:
- Important information for Customers using Visa Business charge cards
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- Bank documentation – data update
- eGuarantee – new way of delivering bank guarantee to beneficiary
- Changes in the processing of incoming payments in foreign currency and PLN through the SWIFT system
- HUB FX – new currency available to Citi Handlowy customers
- Bank holidays in June and July 2017
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- Bank documentation – data update
- eGuarantee – new way of delivering bank guarantee to beneficiary
- Euromoney Cash Management survey
- Bank holidays in April and May 2017
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- Bank documentation – data update
- CitiDirect user reviews and the terms of using the SafeWord card
- Execution of payments in PLN to Polish banks
- Introduction of the new PLN 500 note by the National Bank of Poland
- Euromoney Cash Management survey
- Bank holidays in April and May 2017
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Bank documentation – data update
- Confirmation of year end balances
- Bank holidays in March and April 2017
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- CitiDirect – fee for preparing a list of user authorizations
- Confirmation of end year balances
- Execution of SEPA payments
- Deadline time for SEPA orders
- Important information for Visa Business Debit cardholders
- Bank holidays in Feb and Mar 2017
Newsletter (Special edition)
In this issue:
- Important information for Visa Business Debit cardholders - switching from magnetic strip cards to chip cards
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- Settlements of SEPA transactions
- Reviews of CitiDirect users and the rules of use of a SafeWord card
- CitiDirect - Fee for preparation of a user entitlement list
- Cut-off times for cross-border orders
- Important information for users of debit cards
- Rules of execution of RUB transfers
- Bank holidays in January and February 2017
Newsletter no. 13
In this issue:
- Hours for acceptance of orders on 23 and 30 December 2016
- Hours of operation of CitiService
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- Euromoney 2016
- MobilePASS
- Certificates and audits
- Clearing balances for Budgetary Units
- FACTA reminder
- Hours of taking orders on 30 December 2016
- New Table of Fees and Commissions
- Bank holidays in December 2016
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- SEPA Direct Debit— reminder
- FATCA - reminder
- New Fee and Commission Tariff
- VISA Cards – a transaction authorization break
- Annual balance confirmations
- Certificates and audits
- Bank holidays in November and December 2016
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- SEPA Direct Debit - reminder
- FATCA - reminder
- Bank holidays in October and November 2016
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- SEPA Direct Debit - reminder
- FATCA - reminder
- Bank holidays in October and November 2016
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- Changes in the settlement of incoming Elixir and Euro Elixir sessions
- Review of CitiDirect users and terms of the use of Safeword card
- Bank holidays in September and October 2016
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- Cash withdrawals - reminder
- Paper order - additional controls
- Bank holidays in August and September 2016
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- Euromoney Magazine Survey completed
- NATO summit in Warsaw on 7-9 July 2016 – useful information
- SEPA – the last step of migration of euro payments in the European Union
- Bank holidays in July and August 2016
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- 2016 Euromoney Magazine Survey – Only a few days left – vote
- Electronic platform for finan-cial products and trade fi-nance
- Quick ways to authorize and release payments with Citi Direct!
- Bank holidays in June and July 2016
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- Euromoney survey 2016 already launched – cast your vote!
- New General Terms and Conditions of Customer Service coming soon
- Change of Customer Document Zone Address
- Bank holidays in May and June 2016
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- Euromoney 2016 Poll – Vote for the Best Bank in April!
- Infotrade Hotline Transferred to CitiService
- Change of Customer Document Zone Address
- Bank holidays in April and May 2016
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Amendments to the Table of Fees and Commissions of Visa Business Charge and Guaranteed Cards
- Internal payment orders in foreign currency
- Rules for using the Other Instructions field on the Foreign Transfer form in the CitiDirect system
- List of recently changed SWIFT codes
- Bank holidays in March and April 2016
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- Amendment to the Table of Fees and Commissions
- Annual balance confirmation
- Information for users of Visa Business charge, guaran-teed and debit cards, and of prepaid cards
- Amendment to the Banking Law
- Bank holidays in February and March 2016
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- Amendment to the Table of Fees and Commissions
- Changes in the FX transaction settle-ment method: pay cards
- Safe use of CitiDirect: best practices
- CitiDirect: take advantage and upgrade your security level
- Warning: hacker attacks
- CitiDirect: review of user rights
- Citi Handlowy among the leaders
- RESPECT Index with Citi Handlowy
- Bank holidays in January and February 2016
Newsletter no. 13 - special edition
In this issue:
- Customer instruction acceptance deadlines on December 24 and 31, 2015
- Bank documents: a reminder on updating the details
- CitiService operating hours on December 24 and 31, 2015
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- Zeroing Balances of Local Government Entities: deadline for submitting instructions
- NBP and KIR operations on December 24 and December 31, 2015
- Bank documents: updating the address details
- Certificate for the auditor: useful information
- Bank holidays in December 2015
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- Citi Handlowy - the best cash management in Poland according to Euromoney!
- Bank documents: updating the address details
- Certificate for the auditor: useful information
- Bank holidays in November and December 2015
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- Bank documents updating the address details
- Changes in the account documentation
- Bank holidays in October and November 2015
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- CitiDirect – review of user rights
- New currencies available in Multicurrency Account
- Bank holidays in September and October 2015
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- End of the Euromoney Magazine survey
- Changes in Customs Office transfer processing: a reminder
- Protect your computer against malware attacks
- Stay connected with financial markets
- Bank holidays in August and September 2015
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- Euromoney Magazine Survey. Only few days left
- CitiDirect - extension of account balance and transaction history
- Changes in transfer orders for customs payments
- A new Table of Fees and Commissions of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
- Key principles of foreign transfers – a reminder
- City Handlowy ranked third best commercial bank by Gazeta Bankowa
- Bank holidays in July and August 2015
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- Euromoney Magazine Survey - your vote counts
- Bank holidays in June and July 2015
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- Euromoney Magazine Survey
- Maintaining access to CitiDirect Electronic Banking
- CitiDirect Tablet mobile application: a reminder
- Bank holidays in May and June 2015
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- Settlements in exotic currencies
- CititDirect - Overview of user entitlements
- Bank holidays in April and May 2015
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- SEPA Direct Debit Business to Business (B2B): a new product from Citi Handlowy
- Easier provision of transfer confirmations with ITC 2.0
- Bank holidays in March and April 2015
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- Citi Handlowy supports Polish entrepreneurs
- Change in logging on to CitiDirect: a reminder
- Bank holidays in February and March 2015
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- Citi Handlowy partnering the 25th Anniversary Gala
- IMPORTANT: Change in logging on to CitiDirect EB
- Review of CitiDirect user rights
- Correct BIC/SWIFT code: a reminder
- Citi Handlowy included in the RESPECT Index for the eighth time
- Bank holidays in Januaryand February 2015
Newsletter no. 13 - special edition
In this issue:
- Customer instruction acceptance deadlines on December 24 and 31, 2014
- Bank documents: a reminder on updating the details
- CitiService operating hours on December 24 and 31, 2014
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 13 (PDF, 774 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 13 (PDF, 904 KB)
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- Zeroing Balances of Local Government Entities: Deadline for Submitting Instructions
- NBP and KIR Operations on December 24 and December 31, 2014
- Citi Trade Portal reminder
- CitiDirect Electronic Banking: maintaining the access
- Product information: cut off times for foreign transfer instructions
- Bank documents: updating the details
- Bank Holidays in December 2014
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 12 (PDF, 1,14 MB)
English version - Newsletter no. 12 (PDF, 1,21 MB)
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- Results of the Euromoney Magazine survey
- Current cut off times for incoming foreign transfers in RUB, LTL, SEK and HRK
- Citi Trade Portal: system functionality
- Inactive User View: a new functionality of CitiDirect
- Bank documents: updating address details
- Bank holidays in November and December 2014
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 11 (PDF, 1,14 MB)
English version - Newsletter no. 11 (PDF, 1,11 MB)
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- Bank documents: updating the address details
- Bank account: changes in the account documentation – new forms only
- CitiDirect: new setup requests forms for CitiDirect and CitiDirect EB
- Bank holidays in October and November 2014
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 10 (PDF, 925 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 10 (PDF, 968 KB)
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- CitiFX Pulse: Making foreign exchange easy
- CitiDirect: Issuing PDF account statements
- Changes in bank account documents
- Bank holidays in September and October 2014
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 9 (PDF, 1,40 MB)
English version - Newsletter no. 9 (PDF, 0,49 MB)
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- End of the Euromoney Magazine survey
- Financial data from the GUS app in an XML file
- CitiDirect Tablet mobile application already available
- Citi Handlowy congratulates Poland on the 25 years of economic freedom
- Bank holidays in August and September 2014
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 8 (PDF, 1,37 MB)
English version - Newsletter no. 8 (PDF, 1,45 MB)
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- Euromoney survey
- Security requirements related to paper orders (MIFT)
- CitiDirect – the implementation of a dedicated SEPA transfer form
- Trade Services Financing recommendations
- CitiDirect - New CitiDirect and Citidirect configuration
- Bank holidays in July and August 2014
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 7 (PDF, 1,29 MB)
English version - Newsletter no. 7 (PDF, 1,21 MB)
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- Euromoney Magazine survey
- Product information - reminder
- Bank holidays in June and July 2014
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 6 (PDF, 539 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 6 (PDF, 617 KB)
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- Q&A for Trade Service and Citi Trade Portal's expanded functionality
- Euromoney Magazine Survey 2014
- New leasing product information
- Bank holidays in May and June 2014
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 5 (PDF, 567 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 5 (PDF, 598 KB)
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- Trade Hotline—new functionality
- Express Elixir product information
- Bank holidays in April and May 2014
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 4 (PDF, 517 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 4 (PDF, 714 KB)
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Bank holidays in March and April 2014
- Maciej Żurawek, Head of Citiservice Customer Department, shares his thoughts on Citiservice’s role in helping businesses grow and expand
- Maciej Żurawek talks about customer service at Citi Handlowy
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 3 (PDF, 570 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 3 (PDF, 618 KB)
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- Bank holidays in February and March 2014
- Trade Factoring: a growing interest among clients
- New products on Citi Trade Portal
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 2 (PDF, 394 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 2 (PDF, 468 KB)
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- Bank holidays in January and February 2014
- Citi Handlowy takes first prize in the Ministry Of Finance’s competition
- Business without limits!
- RESPECT Index with Citi Handlowy for the seventh time
- How to enter SEPA foreign transfers in Citidirect
- Annual Balance Confirmation: A REMINDER
- New version of JAVA SUN for Citidirect
- Automatic confirmation of the local –ITC transfer
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 1 (PDF, 552 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 1 (PDF, 553 KB)
Newsletter no. 13
In this issue:
- Customer Instruction Acceptance Deadlines on December 24 and 31, 2013
- CitiService Operating Hours on December 24 and 31, 2013
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 13 (PDF, 631 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 13 (PDF, 605 KB)
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- Bank Holidays in December 2013
- Sending Foreign Bank Transfers to Jordan: New Account Format Effective from February 2, 2014
- NBP and KIR Operations on December 24 and December 31, 2013
- Zeroing Balances of Local Government Entities: Deadline for Submitting Instructions
- Making Settlements in the Chinese Yuan
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 12 (PDF, 435 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 12 (PDF, 456 KB)
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- Bank Holidays in November and December 2013
- New Documentation for Trade Products Available
- Citi with the Best Transaction Banking Services in the Central and Eastern Europe
- How to Make a Foreign Bank Transfer: Other Instructions Field
- Express Payments in EUR: TARGET 2 Transfers
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 11 (PDF, 561 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 11 (PDF, 644 KB)
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- Bank Holidays in October and November 2013
- Citi Trade Portal – New Functionality
- ISO Certification for Bank Handlowy
- Amendments to the Table of Fees and Commissions
- General Terms and Conditions of Customer Service
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 10 (PDF, 516 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 10 (PDF, 568 KB)
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- Bank holidays in September and October 2013
- Service provision dates for Trade products
- Express Elixir Transfers – immediate domestic payments available in Citidirect
- Citidirect – Customer Academy
- Details of payment orders in RUB (Russian ruble)
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 9 (PDF, 411 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 9 (PDF, 471 KB)
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- Bank holidays in August and September 2013
- Rules for submission of SEPA format transfer instructions through Citidirect
- Cut-off time for instructions submitted in written form at Citi Handlowy Branches – reminder
- The Euromoney survey has just ended
- 8th edition of the Global Community Day at Citi
- New lease offer prepared by Citi Handlowy
- Warsaw in the TOP50 of the most competitive cities in the world
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 8 (PDF, 734 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 8 (PDF, 912 KB)
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- Citi Handlowy unbeaten in the FX transaction market
- Bank holidays in July and August 2013
- Euromoney Survey – ends July 5th – vote now!
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 7 (PDF, 688 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 7 (PDF, 759 KB)
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- Euromoney survey has started - vote
- Banking holidays in June and July 2013
- Citi Trade Portal - new functionality
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 6 (PDF, 629 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 6 (PDF, 688 KB)
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- A reminder about the obligation to supply personal details of company representatives and consequences of default
- Bank holidays in May and June 2013
- Euromoney 2013 Survey
- CitiDirect Client Academy – a reminder
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 5 (PDF, 496 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 5 (PDF, 540 KB)
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- Citi Handlowy is actively supporting eco-friendly activities
- Banking holidays in April and May 2013
- Why is updating your CitiDirect e-mail address so important?
- Outcoming SORBNET system payments
- Reminder of cut-off times for accepting and making foreign orders
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 4 (PDF, 702 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 4 (PDF, 765 KB)
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Citi Handlowy and Brokerage House of Citi Handlowy win 4 WSE awards
- Basic rules of foreign transfers — correspondent bank
- Banking holidays in March and April 2013
- Czech crown outcoming payments
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 3 (PDF, 538 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 3 (PDF, 608 KB)
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- We have been chosen as the bank of the capital city of Warsaw for the second tenure
- Citi Handlowy products awarded Europroduct title
- Foreign transfers — reminder
- Banking holidays in February and March 2013
- Amendment of Banking Commission Fees and Charges
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 2 (PDF, 564 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 2 (PDF, 639 KB)
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- Citi Handlowy supports Green Investment
- Citi Handlowy ranked #1 among Treasury Securities Dealers
- Citi Trade Portal – Innovation of the Year 2012
- Bank Holidays in January and February 2013
- Payments in Chinese Yuans – Change
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 1 (PDF, 756 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 1 (PDF, 1 MB)
Newsletter no. 13 - special edition
In this issue:
- Hours for acceptance of orders on 24 and 31 December 2012
- Working hours of CitiService on 24 and 31 December 2012
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 13 (PDF, 540 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 13 (PDF, 564 KB)
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- Banking holiday schedule for December
- Hours of operation at Poland’s Central Bank and Polish Clearing House for filling bank instructions on 24 and 31 December 2012
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 12 (PDF, 721 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 12 (PDF, 755 KB)
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- Banking holidays in November and December
- Completion of foreign orders
- Russian ruble payments
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 11 (PDF, 630 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 11 (PDF, 620 KB)
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- Newsweek and Forbes’ Awards
- Term deposits—change in interest rates
- CitiDirect Mobile - new feature
- Change in the Payment Services Directive
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 10 (PDF, 852 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 10 (PDF, 820 KB)
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- Documentation changes
- Transfer execution on statutory holidays
- Bank holidays
- Extended cutoff times for cross-border transfer instructions
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 9 (PDF, 683 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 9 (PDF, 683 KB)
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- Trade loan in foreign currencies
- Operating hours of foreign currency orders
- #1 in Poland in foreign currency turnover
- #2 in the „Quality per bank” ranking
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 8 (PDF, 741 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 8 (PDF, 703 KB)
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- Trust Account for Real-Estate Developers
- Bank holidays in July and August 2012
- CitiService volunteers
- Incorrect foreign currency transfer format – Non-STP costs
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 7 (PDF, 801 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 7 (PDF, 747 KB)
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- One bank, two traditions, 200 years of progress
- Football game schedule - traffic congestion Euromoney - vote!
- Citi Handlowy Volunteering Program - we have been helping for 7 years
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 6 (PDF, 689 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 6 (PDF, 724 KB)
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- End of the competition
- Changes to cross-border payment clearing
- Bank holidays in May and June 2012
- Trade Credit – a successful new product
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 5 (PDF, 566 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 5 (PDF, 577 KB)
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- New method of user activation in CitiConnect
- Foreign transfers
- Sanctions imposed by the European Union against Iran
- CitiDirect Mobile for CitiDirect Customers
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 4 (PDF, 516 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 4 (PDF, 606 KB)
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Extended FX offering
- Outgoing and incoming transfers in Russian rubles - reminder
- Liquidity management solutions: Net Balance - reminder
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 3 (PDF, 473 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 3 (PDF, 544 KB)
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- EuroElixir - information
- Annual balance confirmation for 2011 – reminder
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 2 (PDF, 868 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 2 (PDF, 753 KB)
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- Cash withdrawals
- Changes concerning settlements of outcoming foreign payments
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 1 (PDF, 868 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 1 (PDF, 738 KB)
Newsletter no. 14
In this issue:
- Cut-off times for funds transfers on 23rd and 30th December 2011
- Changes to the process of annual balance confirmation – reminder
- Confirmations of executed domestic transfers
- List of Bank units closed from 27th to 31st December 2011
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 14 (PDF, 891 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 14 (PDF, 790 KB)
Newsletter no. 13
In this issue:
- Working hours of order acceptance by Poland’s Central Bank (NBP) and Polish Clearing House (KIR S.A.) on December 23 and 30, 2011
- New product of Trade Finance Department
- Transfers in South Korean WON - important
- Acceptance of Euroelixir transfers - important
- Exchange rate foreign transfers – process automation
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 13 (PDF, 421 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 13 (PDF, 392 KB)
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- Trade Service Products – new channel of communication with the bank
- Periodical Root Cause Analysis – sealed payments
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 12 (PDF, 206 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 12 (PDF, 133 KB)
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- Interest calculator - micropayments
- Urgent and express transfers - reminder
- NPS Questionnaire
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 11 (PDF, 300 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 11 (PDF, 317 KB)
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- Cash delivery on the Customer Academy portal
- Changes in the annul balance confirmation process
- Qualitative changes in factoring
- Liquidity management solution; Netting – reminder
- Tax transfers – reminder
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 10 (PDF, 463 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 10 (PDF, 295 KB)
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- New name of the Customer Service Department
- Citi Handlowy – 123% of growth in Factoring
- How to create electronic transfer orders to Social Security Institution (ZUS)
- New service – confirmation of successful domestic transfers
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 9 (PDF, 353 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 9 (PDF, 296 KB)
Newsletter no. 7 - special edition
In this issue:
- New information service www.citidirect.pl
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 7 - wdanie specjalne (PDF, 691 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 7 - special edition (PDF, 643 KB)
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- Longer cut-off times for outgoing domestic transfers
- Recent developments in corporate cards
- Citidirect Customer Academy – individual training with facilitator
- New service – confirmation of executed domestic transfers
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 6 (PDF, 237 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 6 (PDF, 96 KB)
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- Award for comprehensive and professional service of Corporate Clients
- Functionality models for import documentary letter of credit - extension
- Updated documentation of trade finance products - reminder
- Bank statements - reminder
- CitiDirect update
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 5 (PDF, 226 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 5 (PDF, 86 KB)
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- New business cards with graphic design
- Bulk payment at CitiDirect new
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 4 (PDF, 179 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 4 (PDF, 66 KB)
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Amendment of trade service products documentation
- Citi Handlowy Factoring – one bilion increase in turnover
- CitiDirect – event notification - change
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 3 (PDF, 188 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 3 (PDF, 93 KB)
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- Current list of banks participating in SEPA scheme
- Requirements for Ruble transfers
- Changes in VAT for factoring services
- New banking Fees and Charges
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 2 (PDF, 198 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 2 (PDF, 97 KB)
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- Changes in the annual balance confirmation process - reminder
- Changes in the information provided to financial controllers/auditors - reminder
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 1 (PDF, 160 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 1 (PDF, 67 KB)
Newsletter no. 13 (Special edition)
In this issue:
- Hours for order acceptance during 24th-31st of December 2010
- Conversion of Estionia’s settlement currency reminder
- Changes to balance sheet annual confirmation process
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 13 (PDF, 207 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 13 (PDF, 128 KB)
Newsletter no. 12
In this issue:
- IBAN account formats in accordance with the European Union standards - update
- New functionalities of Corporate Cards implemented in 2010 - reminder
- NBP & KIR cut-off times on 24 & 31 December 2010
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 12 (PDF, 200 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 12 (PDF, 100 KB)
Newsletter no. 11
In this issue:
- CitiDirect – event messaging
- Outgoing foreign transfers – correct format
- Conversion of Estonia’s clearing currency
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 11 (PDF, 195 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 11 (PDF, 121 KB)
Newsletter no. 10
In this issue:
- Earlier access hours to statements
- Longer hours of accepting electronic foreign transfers
- Free atm withdrawals
- Deposits/other CitiDirect orders
- Exchange foreign transfers
- Exotic currencies
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 10 (PDF, 200 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 10 (PDF, 122 KB)
Newsletter no. 9
In this issue:
- Longer hours of accepting electronic foreign transfers
- New solutions regarding liquidity management: net balance
- Change regarding check collection
- New product within imported documentary letter of credit
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 9 (PDF, 195 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 9 (PDF, 119 KB)
Newsletter no. 8
In this issue:
- Three titles in Europrodukt
- PLN internal payments
- Citi Client Service Academy – training sessions in August
- Change in cheque collection
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 8 (PDF, 202 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 8 (PDF, 128 KB)
Newsletter no. 7
In this issue:
- Trade service and financing products
- Pre-paid card new functionalities
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 7 (PDF, 197 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 7 (PDF, 123 KB)
Newsletter no. 6
In this issue:
- Periodic analysis of error source – orders in foreign currency
- Changes in information provided to auditors
- Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. celebrates its 140th anniversary
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 6 (PDF, 204 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 6 (PDF, 131 KB)
Newsletter no. 5
In this issue:
- New “self-study” module in the Citi Client Service Academy
- Convoys with closed cash deposits and withdrawals
- New options in the debit card range – cards may now be issued under an EUR or USD account
- Changes in settlements with BPH
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 5 (PDF, 204 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 5 (PDF, 101 KB)
Newsletter no. 4
In this issue:
- Foreign outgoing transfers
- Domestic and foreign transfers – verification of IBAN/NRB
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 4 (PDF, 205 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 4 (PDF, 102 KB)
Newsletter no. 3
In this issue:
- Closing of accounts
- Change in adressing electronic postal money orders
- Periodic analysis of error sources
- Information connected with Guarantee Bank Fund
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 3 (PDF, 205 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 3 (PDF, 103 KB)
Newsletter (Special edition)
In this issue:
- New Banking Fees And Charges
Wersja polska - Aktualności (Wydanie specjalne) (PDF, 156 KB)
English version - Newsletter (Special edition) (PDF, 64 KB)
Newsletter no. 2
In this issue:
- Additional transfer payments
- Factoring in Citi Handlowy
- Foreign transfers – correspondent banks
- Foreign transfers – information on negotiable exchange rates
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 2 (PDF, 185 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 2 (PDF, 94 KB)
Newsletter no. 1
In this issue:
- Citi Client Service Academy – innovative citidirect training
- Social Insurance Institution – bridging pension fund – additional account number
- International transfers – reminder and changes
Wersja polska - Aktualności nr 1 (PDF, 195 KB)
English version - Newsletter no. 1 (PDF, 94 KB)