CitiDirect BE Mobile
Anytime, anywhere, real time
CitiDirect BE Mobile offers convenient access to the most essential CitiDirect BE electronic banking functions such as: payment authorization, real time access to account balance information and transaction history on your company’s accounts. You can access the user-friendly mobile version of CitiDirect anywhere and at any time on your smartphone, tablet or even PC.
This service is dedicated mainly to executives of the Client. New users of CitiDirect BE, irrespective of the selected system variant, automatically receive free-of-charge mobile access.
The most important features of the product
CitiDirect BE Mobile provides:
- payment management at any place and at any time - quick access to key account functions,
- intuitive navigation - clear and user-friendly interface,
- security - powerful security mechanisms, the same as in the main version of the system,
- device-agnostic solution - log into the mobile version from any mobile device: a smartphone, a tablet or a PC,
- no need to install any software - it can be accessed directly through an Internet browser,
- free of charge access to mobile banking for all CitiDirect users.
Functionalities: | CitiDirect Mobile |
Payments from template | |
Authorization and release of individual payments | |
Authorization and release of batch payments | |
Balance inquiry | |
Transaction details and history inquiry | |
Transaction search | |
Linkage between the company profiles |
Are you interested in our offer?
Detailed product information can be obtained from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
The cost of the call depends on your local service provider.
Current applications configuration and user instructions can be found at www.citidirect.pl.